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źródło pochodzi od: sympozjon

Sprawdza poprawność tabel mysql; wysyła informacje o błędach na maila, lub na komórkę

Język: php

#!/usr/bin/php -q

###################################################################### ########
# MySQL Maintainer v0.9
# Author: Philip Gatt <pxg@hotmail.com>
# Version: 0.9
# Date Created: Aug 15, 2000
# Last Modified: Aug 15, 2000
# Requires: MySQL v. 3.23.21 or higher (it may work on earlier versions of
# 3.23, but it hasn't been tested)
# What it does: It checks every table in your mysql database, if the table
# has a problem, it tries to repair it and sends a warning to the emails
# in the $warning_emails variable. If it cannot repair the table, it sends
# an alert to the emails in the $alert_emails variable. I recommend putting
# your cell phone / pager's email address in the alert_emails, and your
# regular address in the warning_emails.
# Rights: Use this program as you see fit, alter it, do whatever you like,
# as long as this message, including the author info, remains unchanged.
# Also, please notify me if you are using this, just so I know my work
# was appreciated.
# Additional Note: If you need any custom programming, I am available to
# write custom scripts / programs. No project is too large or small.
# Please contact me at pxg@hotmail.com.
########################################################################### ###

######## SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ################################################
# Please carefully read and set all of these options.
# SKIP_DATABASES is an array of databases not to process
$SKIP_DATABASES = array("skipdatabase1", "skipdatabase2", "skipdatabase3"); // don't check these databases

# Set SILENT_MODE to 1 for silent mode (good for cron jobs), and to 0 to get output to the screen

# ALERT_EMAILS and WARNING_EMAILS contain a list of email addresses to send
# alerts and warnings to (respectivly)
$ALERT_EMAILS = array("you@youremail.com", "0000000000@messaging.sprintpcs.com");
$WARNING_EMAILS = array("you@youremail.com");

# ALERT_SUBJECT and WARNING_SUBJECT are the message subjects for warning and alert
# emails
$ALERT_SUBJECT = "MySQL Maintainer Alert";
$WARNING_SUBJECT = "MySQL Maintainer Warning";

# Set your mysql server info here, root is a good account to use because it has
# access to modify all tables in the database
$MYSQL_SERVER = "localhost";
$MYSQL_USER = "root";

######## END OF CONFIGURATION ################################################

mysql_connect ($MYSQL_SERVER, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASS) or die (PG_fatal(mysql_error()));

#-- get a list of databases
$databasesres = mysql_query ("show databases") or die (PG_fatal(mysql_error()));

#-- cycle through the list of databases
while ($dar = mysql_fetch_array($databasesres))
$dbname = $dar[0];

#-- if the database is not in the skip array, process it
if (!PG_in_array($SKIP_DATABASES, $dbname))

PG_screen_display ($dbname . "n");

#-- switch to the database
mysql_select_db ($dbname);

#-- get a list of tables in this database
$tablesres = mysql_query ("show tables") or die (PG_fatal(mysql_error()));

#-- cycle through the list of tables and check them
while ($tar = mysql_fetch_array($tablesres))
$tablename = $tar[0];

#-- display some info
PG_screen_display (PG_print_sp (" | " . $tablename, 50, " "));

#-- check the table
$res = mysql_query ("check table $tablename") or die (PG_fatal(mysql_error()));
$ar = mysql_fetch_array($res);

#-- if we didn't get an OK as a response, try to fix it
if ($ar[Msg_text] != "OK")
$checkerr = $ar[Msg_text];
PG_screen_display ("ERROR $checkerr --- ");

#-- try to fix the table
$res = mysql_query ("repair table $tar[0]") or die (PG_fatal(mysql_error()));
$ar = mysql_fetch_array($res);

#-- if we got an error trying to fix it, send an alert
if ($ar[Msg_text] != "OK")
PG_screen_display ("UNABLE TO REPAIR ($ar[Msg_text]) !!!!");
register_alert ("Database: $dbnamenTable: $tablenamenError: $checkerrnStatus: $ar[Msg_text]nn");
PG_screen_display ("REPAIRED");
register_warning ("Database: $dbnamenTable: $tablenamenError: $checkerrnStatus: Repairednn");
PG_screen_display ("OK");

PG_screen_display ("n");
PG_screen_display ("n");

function PG_fatal($str)
register_alert ("nnFatal Error: $strn");

function send_warnings_and_alerts ()
global $alertstr;
global $warningstr;

if ($warningstr != "")
while (list ($trash, $email) = each ($WARNING_EMAILS))
mail ($email, $WARNING_SUBJECT, $warningstr);
echo "Sending warning to $emailn";
echo $warningstr;
if ($alertstr != "")
reset ($ALERT_EMAILS);
while (list ($trash, $email) = each ($ALERT_EMAILS))
mail ($email, $ALERT_SUBJECT, $alertstr);
echo "Sending warning to $emailn";
echo $alertstr;

function register_alert ($str)
global $alertstr;
$alertstr .= $str;
return 1;

function register_warning ($str)
global $warningstr;
$warningstr .= $str;
return 1;

function PG_screen_display ($string)
# displays message to standard output (the screen) if not running in silent mode
global $SILENT_MODE;
echo $string;
return 1;

function PG_in_array ($array, $value)
# this function returns true if $value is found in $array
$found = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++)
if ($array[$i] == $value)
$found = 1;
return $found;

function PG_print_sp ($str, $len, $delim = " ")
    $res = $str;
for ($i = strlen($str); $i < $len; $i++)
$res .= $delim;
return $res;



Tagi do źródła:
Poprawność danych tabel mysqla, mysql, sql, bazy danych, php

Nikt jeszcze nie skomentował tego źródła.

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sources.pl to strona przeznaczona dla programistów, początkujących programistów i zupełnych amatorów programowania. Tu możesz umieścić swój kod, program napisany przez Ciebie, lub po prostu skomentować kod innego programisty.


Źródeł: 30, oczekujących: 3, odrzuconych: 11

O stronie | kontakt |


Ilość wejść: dzisiaj - 623 (unikalne: 120), ogółem - 739749 (unikalne: 650637)