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Przekształca wyniku
zapytania Postgresql w xml

Język: php

//------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

// Description: This function handles postgres->xml data

// transformations.

// Author:  Cody McCain (mcm99c@acu.edu)

// License: GNU Public

// Last Updated: 5/7/2001


// Requirements: To use XML/XSLT with PHP you must have DOM XML

// (libxml-2.2.7) [www.xmlsoft.org],

// Sablot [www.gingerall.com] (or another xsl parser)

// compiled into PHP.


// This function does not require Sablot, but I encourage

// you to use XSLT stylesheets as this separates content

// from data (very important in multi-tier environment).


// Abstract: I am constantly transforming recordsets (SQL Query Results)

// so I can provide the appropriate data for my XSL stylesheets.

// This function takes a postgres query result and converts it

// to an XML DOM object.


// usage example:

//      $error = recordset_to_xml_ext ( $result, "items", "item",

// array ("field1", "field2"), $xmldoc );


// The xml document will be assigned to $xmldoc.


// You can convert select fields of the recordset to

// attributes instead of children of the respective row

// by including it in the attribute array.


//---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

function recordset_to_xml_ext ( $result_query, $collection, $entry, $attributes, &$xmldoc )
// Make sure we have a valid  result from our query

// Check PostgreSQL functions for details on how to make database queries.

if( !$result_query )
trigger_error( "The query result passed was invalid.  Please check the SQL Query." );
return 1;

$fieldnum = pg_numfields( $result_query );
$rownum = pg_numrows( $result_query );

// Create array that lists all of our fields

for( $i=0; $i < $fieldnum; $i++ )
$fieldnames[] = pg_fieldname( $result_query, $i );

// Create new XML Document

$xmldoc = domxml_new_xmldoc("1.0");

if( strlen( $collection ) == 0 )
trigger_error( "Collection (root of xml) label cannot be null." );
return 1;

if( strlen( $entry ) == 0 )
trigger_error( "Entry (children of root in xml) label cannot be null." );
return 1;

// Here's where we add all the recordset to the xml document.

$xmlroot = $xmldoc->add_root( $collection );

for( $i=0; $i < $rownum; $i++ )
$row = pg_fetch_row( $result_query, $i );
$xmlentry = $xmlroot->new_child( $entry, "" );
for( $j=0; $j < $fieldnum; $j++ )
if( in_array( $fieldnames[$j], $attributes, false ) )
$xmlentry->set_attribute( $fieldnames[$j], $row[$j] );
$xmlentry->new_child( $fieldnames[$j], $row[$j] );

return 0;


Tagi do źródła:
Przekształcenie wyniku zapytania Postgresql -> xml, postgresql, sql, bazy danych, php

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