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Prosta funkcja do sprawdzania czy domena jest zajęta. Korzysta z serwera whois - whois.crsnic.net. Oczywiście wybór zależy od naszych upodobań, ja najczęściej korzystam z http://whois.nazwa.pl.

Język: php

<form method="POST" action= "<?PHP echo($PHP_SELF); ?>">
Function checkDomainReg($domain)<br>
author: David Wade Arnold<br><br>
<b>Check to see if a domain is registered</b>
<P> <INPUT name="domain" SIZE="30" MAXLENGTH="35">
<P> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Check Domain">
<font size="2"><pre>
//This function was found at : http://www.phpwizard.net/phpTidbits/

function checkDomainReg($domain, $server="whois.crsnic.net") {
/* Author: David Wade Arnold -- david@eccentrichosting.net
checkDomainReg: checks to see if a domain name is taken. Returns boolean false
domain name is not taken.
configuration: This scripts depends on one line of a whois output.
If the whois server is changed make sure that the lineNumber variable
is changed to the line that returns:
-- when domain exists
No match for "ASHDFIOWUET.NET".
-- when domain does not exist
This line is diffrent for diffrent whois servers.
wrap-up: Please email me if you make changes. Hey, I want a better version too!
$lineNumber = 8;
// open a socket connection to a whois server

$fp = fsockopen ($server, 43, &$errnr, &$errstr) or die("$errno: $errstr");
fputs($fp, "$domainn");
while (!feof($fp)) {
//return each line of stout and place it in $serverReturn

$serverReturn = fgets($fp, 2048);
if ($x == $lineNumber) {
$line = $serverReturn;
//tokenize the string so we can find the No

$token = strtok("$line"," ");
if ($token == 'No') {
$result = 0;
} else {
$result = 1;
return $result;

If (isset ($domain)){
$answer = checkDomainReg($domain);
if($answer) {
echo "Please try again the domain $domain is registered";
} else {
echo "$domain Is free to register"; }


Tagi do źródła:
Sprawdź domenę, Whois, obsługa sieci, php

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Źródeł: 30, oczekujących: 3, odrzuconych: 11

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